Tools and Plugins for OSX
Believe it or not I actually try to avoid plugins because they make it difficult for me to standardize my development machines, but typically some need arises and a plugin is installed…
These are most of the main tools and plugins I use for development.
- iTerm2 - Terminal with nice split screen support and better fullscreen options
- SublimeText - Cross platform text editor
- SourceTree - Visual Git client
- nvAlt - Quick note taking and searching
- MouApp - Markdown Editor
- - Screen sharing
- GrandPerspective - Not quite as nice as WindirStat but pretty close and the price is right.
- Charles - Proxy app much like Fiddler but for Mac
OSX Plugins
- Spectacle - Window manager that works great and is free.
- Moom - Another really good Window manager for OSX that lets you do things like save and window positions to hot keys. (60/40 splits or whatever you want)
- Oh-my-zsh - Auto completion and plugins for terminal.
- Network Link Conditioner (Search Hardware IO Tools for Xcode) Test different network conditions by throttling bandwidth.
SublimeText 2 Plugins
- Package Control - The simplest way to install sublime plugins
- Tag - Great plugin for indenting and pretty printing compressed XML
- Pretty JSON - Make JSON look pretty too
- Indent XML - I used to use this one a lot, but recently started using Tag more.
- Git - Sometimes its nice to be able to run quick git commands in Sublime
- BracketHighlighter - Provides nice bracket highlighting
- Colorpick - For quick in app color picking
- SublimeCodeIntel - Code intelligence
- sublime-jinja2 - Jinja2 template support
Xcode Plugins
- XVim - Vim bindings for Xcode.
- Mini Xcode - Minimize the main toolbar but keep access to the scheme selector
Chrome Plugins
- Vimium - Vim bindings for Chrome
- JSONView - Pretty print for JSON
- XV - XML Viewer - Pretty print for XML
- Resolution test - Quick way to snap the browser to common resolutions
- CSS Reloader - Reload the stylesheet without reloading the whole page.